Following our latest scheduled Care Quality Commission inspection (January 2024), we are delighted to announce that we have again been rated “good in all areas”. The inspection focused on two key questions: is the service safe and is the service well-led. The inspector said:
People and their relatives told us they felt safe and were supported safely. Risks were assessed and managed to ensure people could participate in day to day and social activities safely. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interest; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People were safeguarded from abuse and avoidable harm. There were sufficient numbers of staff and staff supported people in line with their individual preferences and agreed care plans. People were protected from the risk of infection as staff followed safe infection prevention and control practices. Medicines were managed in a safe way.
There was a very positive and open culture at the service and systems were in place to provide person-centred care. People and their relatives consistently told us how the provider had enabled them to have person-centred fulfilling outcomes in their daily lives.
To read the full January 2024 report, please CLICK HERE
Cheryl Dibbin and Donna Gott (Care Dynamics directors) said: we thank every member of our team for their continual hard-work, our ongoing success would not be possible without your dedication and exceptional standards of care and support. We are delighted with our good in all areas rating and hope to build on this to achieve a future outstanding rating.