The Care Quality Commission inspects us to make sure that we are providing high quality care. As part of the inspection process they speak to our customers their families and health care professionals asking for feedback on the care we provide. Once we have had our inspection including the feedback provided we receive a rating which has to be displayed in our office and on our website.
The ratings are:
- Inadequate
- Requires improvement
- Good
- Outstanding
When we are inspected The Care Quality Commission will check that we are:
- Safe
- Effective
- Caring
- Responsive to people’s needs
- Well-led
What You Can Expect From Us
Keeping you safe
- Choice freedom and control will be actively promoted whilst keeping you feeing safe and protected.
- We will protect your dignity and human rights and respect you as an individual.
- You will be provided with enough staff of the right skill mix to provide you will a reliable service.
- You will know who will be coming to you.
- You will be protected from being bullied, harassed, harmed or abused.
- We will deal with and investigate any incidents or accidents openly and learn from any mistakes.
- You will be supported with your medication to be as independent as possible or your medication will be given to you safely and stored correctly.
- Staff will know about your background, hopes and needs.
- You will be encouraged to express your views and be listened to.
- We can support you to have access to an advocate who can speak on your behalf.
- You will be treated with dignity and respect.
- You will have staff that build a trusting relationship with you and show concern for your well-being.
- You will feel cared for.
- Your staff will know what is expected of them.
- Your staff will be happy in their work.
- The staff are supported by their managers.
- All the staff know how to raise any concerns and they will be fully supported by their manager.
- The managers are experienced, responsible and honest.
- If things go wrong we will be open and honest.
- You can choose who supports you.
- You will have staff that have the correct knowledge and training to meet your needs.
- You will always be asked to give your consent to care, treatment and support in a way you understand.
- Staff will know about your health needs and personal preferences and support you to stay in good health.
- Staff will make sure that you get the right food and drink and meet any dietary preferences.
- You will have regular review meetings and sent feedback questionnaires asking for your views.
- We will act on any concerns you have and put things right.
- You will have personalised care that will change as your needs change. It will include information about your life, your goals, your abilities and what you want.
- Your care and support needs will be in your own care plan this can be in a format of your choice.
- You will be fully involved and agree to your care plan.
- If you want to change your care staff you can.
- We will support you to maintain relationships, be part of your community and keep up with your hobbies.
- If you need to attend the hospital or another service we will plan this with you.
- If you have any concerns or complaints they will always be taken seriously, investigated and an outcome given to you.